- InventarnummerAS.2003.008
- Abteilung
- TitelDiorama des Antwerpener Kooldok in einer Flasche
- Hersteller
- BeschreibungFor a long time, the loading of a horsecart was a typical scene in the port of Antwerp. In 1967, the Zuiderdokken, of which the Kooldok formed part, were filled in.
- EntstehungsortAntwerp (city)
- Datumvermoedelijk 1943
- Objektbezeichnung
- Material
- Format
- length: 69.4 cm (fles)
diameter: 40.2 cm (fles)
height: 44 cm (fles) - Erwerbsdatum2003-09
- ErwerbsmethodeKauf - Antiquariaat Oude Borze